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Use of photographs and videos policy

Use of photographs and Videos

We use photos and videos to:

  • To enhance the value of the experiences we offer and their long-term impact. Photographs and videos help our participants to remember, reflect, and embed the positive outcomes into their long-term memory. 

  • Share photographs and videos with parents who would like to know what happens during our drop-off sessions. 

  • Tell others about the work of Wildlings and to market our programmes to potential new customers on instagram, facebook and our website. 

  • Support the training and development of staff.

  • Share ideas with our community via our blog. 

Precautions we take

We must be cautious in our use of photographs and videos in order to safeguard the children attending our programmes. We will:

  • always have the permission of a primary caregiver before using images with their children in them on our website, in our documents, and on our Instagram and facebook;

  • take any images out of the public domain immediately upon request;

  • never combine an image with a child’s personal information;

  • never use images which may be considered inappropriate, for example, of a child who is not fully dressed;

  • take videos and photographs unobtrusively without disturbing the flow state of the child.

Requirements for adults attending our sessions

Adults attending our sessions must be mindful of the need to safeguard children and the wishes of other parents. Adults may not:

  • Take photographs or videos of a specific child other than their own without the permission of the parent. 

  • Post pictures with the faces of children other than their own on social media. 

  • Post pictures of children that would be considered to be inappropriate. 

  • Take and / or post pictures of our staff without their consent. 

  • Ask children to pose for photographs or perform for videos as this may interrupt the child's flow state.


We seek your consent in allowing us to take and use photographs and videos for the uses above, in awareness of the precautions we take and your right to request the removal and deletion of any images you are not happy with in any way whatsoever at any time. 


We understand that some customers do not wish to see images of their children or themselves in any way whatsoever online. Please alert your session leader if you do not consent to our use of photographs and videos of you or your child. 

DATE: 1st March 2024

AUTHOR: Claire Seabrook


REVIEW DATE: 1st September 2025

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