Private Camp (Zhang) | 17-19 FEB 9-12:30
Adventure Camps for wild and adventurous children!
Join us for a full-day adventure camp for children aged 5-6yrs! Children will participate in our adventure camp activities, followed by an hour for lunch and play. An example of the activities the children will be invited to participate in are : 1. Wildlings Amazing Race - in teams, children run around Wildlings, solve clues, complete tasks and solve a letter unjumble to win 2. Egg Slide Challenge - in teams, the children need to use the materials provided to create a slide for an egg, to get the egg from the top to the bottom without cracking. The tallest slide with an uncracked egg will win. 3. Fire Lighting Challenge - in small teams of four the children need to gather the fuel, then light and maintain a small campfire safely for 10 minutes. 4. Campfire - After the fire lighting challenge, the children can cook breadsticks on the campfire. 5. Nature Explorers – Discover, observe and study insects living in our nature space The teachers will decide on the activities on the day depending on the weather, ground conditions and the children's interest. For a full description of our outdoor, multi-activity camps in our exclusive Nature Space Dempsey please see our camps page.