T1 SATURDAYS | 6-7yrs | 9.00-11.00am
Weekend Forest School club for children who love to get outside, explore and play in the Wild!
Our Club takes place on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings and is targeted at children with an adventurous spirit in need of a place to let off steam after a busy day or week of indoor instruction. We provide authentic and experiential outdoor experiences and there is plenty of time to play and explore and make friends at our club! Like all of our programmes, these sessions have a strong influence on the development of emotional intelligence, self-esteem, and social skills. The experiences on offer during our club sessions are inspired first and foremost by the children, followed by the natural world and its cycles, cultural celebrations and stories, risk and adventure and our wonderful nature space. This helps children to develop a strong sense of their capabilities and place in the world. We work to encourage the next generation of caretakers for our planet to emerge through the personal experience of the wonder of nature. Children will be: Ready to spend time away from their primary caregivers. Able to respect the boundaries that are necessary to ensure safety in the outdoors. Physically able to play outdoors for the duration of the session in the tropical environment. Details Duration: 1.5 - 2hrs Group size: up to 40 children Maximum Ratio: 1:6 (4-5yrs), 1:7 (6-7yrs), 1:8 (8-10yrs) Every session has at least one qualified Forest School Leader and one first aider. Cost: $55 per child per session Programme: 15 minutes arrival and settling in. Forest School Experiences: We will bring the children together to commence our session and invite them to participate in the experiences offered by our passionate and skilled staff. Staff observe the children and discuss ideas with the children to design the experiences for the programme based on their interests. Session Close The children help to pack up and gather their things. They may choose to change their clothing if they wish. Children will be encouraged to reflect on their session and the things that they experienced, this may be through photographs, video, circle time or nature journals. Children are never forced to participate. The session may close with a story and two minutes of quiet time, breathing or yoga for the younger children or a mindfulness practice.