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Book A Make-up Session

Please click on your booked service below to book in for a make-up session. Make-up sessions can be booked and taken in advance of a  session which you know you will miss and have notified us of, i.e. in the event of a planned overseas trip. Make-up sessions can also be booked after the session has been missed.


If you would prefer to have two vouchers for Nature Playtime instead of a make-up session please email or WhatsApp 8875 5919. 


The connection between the children in a specific group is so important to the delivery of our sessions. Children will form bonds and friendships at Forest School, and therefore a make-up session with a different group of children can't exactly replace a lost session, hence why attending Nature Playtime with a friend is a suitable alternative option. Please also keep in mind that each week has a theme, so a child attending two sessions in the same week will have a second opportunity to participate in the experiences on offer. Repetition leads to mastery and this is not something to be viewed negatively. 


All make-up sessions, exclluding Nature Playtime, must be used before the end of the term or lost. Make-up sessons will not be rolled over as credit for the next term. 


Make-up sessions are subject to availability. If we have large requests for make-up sessions we will do all that we can to find the capacity to meet the demand but this is not guranteed. 

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